Take a look at the short films that I have directed. The most recent 2 are projects I have done while in film school, but the others are all during high school with my friends conned into working on them!
Another one that I wrote and directed. My team trusted me to lead this final project of the semester, and although we had some bumps in the road, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!
This is the first on that I wrote and directed for film school, and it's very personal to me.
I was so grateful to have the actor who played my mentor in Summer Daydream (where I played a young filmmaker) agree to be the lead actor! Also a huge thanks to my cousins who played everyone else.
The challenge here was to shoot using static shots, and although it's not perfect, I love how it turned out.
This was the very first film that I shot on my own. I wrote, directed, shot and edited myself.